Thursday, 21 July 2011

Camp visit, with Murdochs thrown in

It's been a bit of a crazy week here, with broken down cars, stressful grant applications and various work crises on both sides conspiring to disrupt the usual, ahem, serene flow of life in the Nappy Valley household. And it was particularly chaotic on Tuesday, when both The Doctor and I were duty bound to attend a parents' visiting day at Littleboy 1's summer camp, on top of everything else that was going on.

Not only that, but I was desperate to watch the Murdochs and Rebekah Brooks being grilled by the Select Committee, taking place that very same morning (New York time). This has been one of those sagas that I would have loved to be at home for, dissecting the ins and outs and implications for journalism in a bar with my friends; most people I know out here have probably never even heard of the News of the World. Thank goodness for the internet and Twitter (which, finally, I am starting to see the point of).

The camp visit, of only an hour, had to be fitted in around everything else that was going on that day. Rupert Murdoch had just started speaking as we left, so we pitched up in the car listening to The Murdochs on the radio (perhaps they could turn it into a serial like The Archers?), reluctantly switching it off as we parked in a baseball field. "It's like going on a Cross Channel ferry," remarked The Doctor, as we were directed to park in a line of other cars, bumper to bumper, in marked out lanes.

It was an occasion run with military precision. Hundreds of parents were being marshalled towards camp, wielding video cameras and iPhones to capture the sporting acheivements of their little darlings on film. We had been given strict instructions to 'wear flat shoes, as you are visiting camp' - not a problem for me, as I live in flip flops during the summer months, but there were a few parents who clearly didn't get the memo and looked as if they were dressed for a Regency garden party.

During the next hour, while watching Littleboy 1 play basketball and hockey and swim (parents shouting out comments like 'Top Shelf, Buddy!" at their offspring) I managed the odd furtive look at Twitter to find out what was happening, Murdoch-wise. Sadly I missed custard-pie gate, but I have to say it was worth it to see Littleboy 1 shooting hoops, a big smile on his face whenever he turned around to see us, and swimming underwater like a fish.

And, although I felt a bit guilty at taking a moment to prise my eyes away from my firstborn and indeed my husband wielding foam hockey sticks, I wasn't quite as bad as one Dad, who was actually talking on his mobile as he played hockey during the Dads and Kids hockey game. I wonder if he works for News Corp.?......


Home Office Mum said...

I missed all the grilling. Just got the twitter feeds. Actually, I'm rather hoping they move to a new news story soon. I've reached saturation point with it now. Camp day sounds fun though!

Nota Bene said...

Work ground to a halt for the session...but in truth, I'm sure being there was more worthwhile eh?

MsCaroline said...

NPR have had pretty good coverage of the Murdoch scandal but I was very impressed when they did a fairly in-depth segment on Rebekah Brooks, questioning her level of involvement, and just a day or two later, she was arrested.

And no, I don't think you should feel guilty at all for the occasional glance at the news, even during something as momentous as Parents day at camp. You owe it to your children to stay abreast of current events, right? ; )

Muddling Along said...

On the phone whilst playing hockey? That is some dedication to work (and presumably some impressive background noises to that call)

About Last Weekend said...

I missed it all but your post really makes me want to see the custard pie-gate. Plus tiger wife protecting her money-man. I know he's 80 but he can stand up for himself. Yes, you're so right, I wish i was back in London to read endlessly about this - the Brit press have no peer when it comes to covering this kind of thing - Love it and miss them...

nappy valley girl said...

HOM - believe me, it is more interesting than Obama's budget negotiations...

NB - course it was....

MsCaroline - NPR rock. I am not sure what we would do without them.

Muddling Along - I would love to know what he was talking about....

ALW - yes, there's nothing like the British media (when they're not phone hacking, that is...).

Iota said...

Something tells me you haven't quite passed the enthusiasm test yet... Though I'm interested to see that Twitter is winning you over.

nappy valley girl said...

Iota - it's winning me over in terms of following news and current events. Not in terms of chatting to other bloggers though - I just don't have the time to be on there enough to get involved in the conversation.

Circles in the Sand said...

Saw some of it at work - a benefit of working for emap here, the editor (British) was hooked!! Loved your comment at the end about the dad on his mobile! I'm still laughing now!

nappy valley girl said...

Circles in the Sand - he honestly was! I even have it on camera :-)