It's finally happened. After two years of being in the US I'm finally homesick.
Prior to this, I was actually starting to wonder if there was something wrong with me. Although I missed friends and familyI never once stopped and thought I'd much rather be back in the U.K. than here. I put this down to a combination of things: a childhood spent abroad, which meant I lacked a deep-rooted tie to the UK; unusual family circumstances (both my mother and mother-in-law died over a decade ago, and both families have been through some difficult years); and, of course, being happy with where we are in the US.
But I don't know what it is about this last couple of weeks. There was Easter; normally a big family occasion for us, this year we were totally alone. It seemed as if everyone else had something to do or somewhere to go, except us. This is one of the downsides of expatriate life; when it comes to the big family occasions, you're on your own. Seeing my father and sister on Skype was lovely, but I'd rather see them in the flesh. Then there is the Royal Wedding; although I'm not exactly a flag-waving monarchist, I'd like to be in London at this point, all full of wedding fever. Knowing that England has been having a glorious spring doesn't exactly help. The weather has been indifferent here at best (although it's finally hot today). On Friday, we went to the beautiful New York Botanical Gardens. They were lovely, but I couldn't help thinking about Kew Gardens and all the wonderful times we have had there.
One thing that has cheered me up a little has been being nominated for blogger awards The MADS. I'm very grateful to anyone who has already nominated me; if anyone else wants to, just go to the website and follow the instructions. You don't have to be a blogger to take part!

And if you want to make me feel better about not being in England, tell me here how you'll be celebrating the Royal Wedding on Friday. Whether you're in the US, UK or somewhere else. I'd love to know.
It must be hard. I can see that most of the time you probably hardly think about it but occasions can bring it to the foreground.
We are going to a barbecue on Friday. I'm making union jack cupcakes in red, white and blue. Been looking everywhere for sandwich picks. It is non-stop on the telly here - you might regret your wish if you were here.
Bizarrely although Im a Kiwi I've been feeling homesick for London. Im not a royalist but feel a bit out of the loop being over here. Was just back in NZ and caught up with the articles on kate and Wills, both slagging off and fawning. Will be in London for this weekend and will post from the streets as they say rather than the floors of Westminster Abbey...
OOOOk! Would it help If I told you the temperatures have plummeted back down to 13C today, the bank holiday traffic is sheeite, all the hotels are over charging and the news is now reporting Kate's sister's aunt's husband's shoe size because they've reported everything else. You cannot get a decent coffee here without having to queue for 3 days and the idea of offering customer service was something muted once but instantly forgotten :) There, you're feeling better already aren't you :)
Love your blog but have never left a comment before. Like you I've been feeling a bit left out but have a couple of friends who are huge anglophiles, so we're getting up at the ridiculous hour of 4 A.M. (US CST) having toast and marmalade and a big pot of tea, followed by a mid-morning snack of home made scones, jam and clotted cream.
Given the dismal state the world seems to be in at the mo - a beautiful bride and a lovely wedding just might cheer us all up right now!
Enjoy the day everyone:-)
I know how you feel, I'm a bit excited about the wedding and will be watching it on BBC Entertainment but I do know I'd probably be sick of all the hype if I was in the UK - although the bank holiday might help!
2 years was when it hit me too (18 years ago....) - and I'm a whole lot closer than you are..... but today, with this whole wedding thing going on I still sort of feel the same - I'd love to be there too - not necessarily in London but just in the country - but then I just know there are a whole load of Brits who would LOVE to swap places with me right now - and probably you too!!! Have a good day and know that it will pass xx
This is really a enjoyable period.The weather is also very nice.Summer not yet started.Every thing going to be nice in this season.This is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of London.Royal Wedding is also a main attraction of this season.
it's reasons like those you listed that make me glad we made the decision we did, despite it being the less exciting of the two options
England has been glorious these last couple of weeks. But you know that we'll all be moaning about the weather/wedding/price of petrol as soon as it starts to rain (forecast for Friday...)
So sorry homesickness has hit. But it is glorious here at the moment. I'm just enjoying having seasons again! Can you bring out the bunting and the Union Jacks and go all out English on Fridya? I'm sure the neighbours would love it!
Yeah, I'm a bit homesick too-probably the wedding fever that has started it off actually. (I'm in Sweden). I'm making a batch of scones tonight, which I will sit and scoff (not all of them, I hasten to add) tomorrow with mugs of tea :-D
The press & tv here have mentioned it a few times, but I found myself getting irritated earlier today when a news channel spelled Westminster Abbey with an extra "i" in it. Dunno what's happening to me, I've gone all fiercely patriotic, all of a sudden!
Oh, and I forgot to say I will of course be watching the wedding while eating said scones...or that would be a bit sad really :-)
Poor you! If it's any consolation, the gorgeous weather is over in Belgium. I am celebrating the royal wedding with my sister, on my own sofa, with the kids at school and creche. Should be good. Some peace and quiet hopefully.
I celebrated by getting up early and participating in my company's earnings call, which happened to be today.
Lady, if I had a UK passport I'd be over there like a shot, so I hear you. But consider this: this is a temporary sojourn in a different part of the world. You get to go home to someplace amazing in a few years, and in the meantime, live right next to one of the most interesting places in the world and tell us all your fish out of water tales. I for one feel very lucky to read them. :)
Sorry to hear you're homesick and glad you enjoyed the wedding. we live in Switzerland in the Alps and we had a HUGE Royal Wedding party with everyone dressed up, flags, bunting, scones, trifle etc. It was so wonderful and reminded me that no-one does pomp and ceremony like the Brits. It's good to miss home a little sometimes, reminds you of your roots and that you will have something to go back to when you decide to return. i love your blog by the way... good luck with the awards.
Thanks everyone! I am feeling much better now. Homesickness seems to pass.
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