Wednesday 30 December 2009

Christmas by numbers

So this was our Christmas....

Adults in house: 3

Children in house: 4 (all under 6)

Inches of snow: 12 (it only melted on Boxing Day)

Individual gloves strewn around the house to find every time we went out: 14

Number of minutes it took to get children ready to go outside on average: 15

Number of minutes spent hunting for one of The Doctor's gloves, which had been hidden by a child: 20

Children taken to Manhattan on freezing cold evening to see giant Rockefeller Christmas Tree: 4

Children who cried from the cold the entire trip: 1

Panics experienced by The Doctor on Christmas Eve when he realised all his colleagues had bought each other presents: 1

Chocolates he rushed out and bought and wrapped in tissue paper: 30

Presents under the tree: Too many to count

New toys broken on Christmas day itself: 1 ( a torch, very annoying because we had bought the Littleboys 1 each so they wouldn't fight over them)

New toys lost mysteriously within a week of Christmas: 1

New toys left behind by my sister on her return to England: 1

New toys relegated to the top of a cupboard because they were so annoying: 2 (Ambulance trucks from The Doctor's work, which play the ER theme tune and say stuff like 'what's your ETA?' and were constantly being crashed into furniture)

Children who, on hearing Christmas lunch was ready, asked 'is it hot dogs?': 1 (Littleboy 1 of course)

Children who ate turkey: 4 (result!)

Children who ate sprouts: 0

Trips to overcrowded shopping mall: 1

Children NVG was tasked with taking to loo in mall: 3 (never again)

Children who wanted to ride on stuffed 'jungle animals' in a small fenced area at mall: 4

Children who crashed straight through the fence on said animals and headed off into the distance, pursued by all: 2 (both mine, naturally. The funniest thing I've seen all year....)

Hot dogs eaten by kids over seven days: 12

Trips to Manhattan without kids: 1 (My sister and I went to the theatre to see Love, Loss and What I Wore, by Nora Ephron, which was fabulous)

Temperature on day trip to the Top of the Rock observatory for a view of the New York skyline: Minus 7. With wind chills of much lower. Brr......

Days the temperature actually rose above zero: 2

Seeing the four cousins' faces on Christmas morning: Priceless.


Expat mum said...

Love seeing the cousins together! Great post.

Metropolitan Mum said...

30 chocolats? You have 30 chocolates hanging around your house???

A Modern Mother said...

You gotta love hot dogs! Sorry but I've tagged you!

A Confused Take That Fan said...

Sounds like a perfect Christmas to me. I am impressed by the 12 hot dogs. I find it reassuring that you bought the boys matching presents so they woldn't argue - same as us! I think if it was minus 7 I would cry too. Happy 2010NVG, hope you have a wonderful year stateside xxx

Motherhood The Final Frontier said...

ahhh. How lovely!
Wondering what your face will look like when you realise I've tagged you for a meme of highlights of 09.
Is it better or worse than a book on baking?

Iota said...

Love the picture of your two disappearing down the mall on stuffed jungle animals. Did you have to do a Tarzan whoop and run after them?

Jenny Rudd said...

sounds like Christmas to me!

Vinogirl said...

All sounds quite hectic!
Happy New Year!