Friday 11 June 2010

Time to have a ball...

I'm not a big football fan. I don't support any particular team in the UK, and even though I used to live down the road from Arsenal stadium (the old one, that is), I have to admit I've never actually been to a live footie match.

But World Cup time is different. Watching the new YouTube video of Three Lions featuring Robbie and Russell Brand, courtesy of Potty Mummy (thank you!) I was reliving so many moments from the past twenty years of my life. From Gazza crying to Beckham being sent off - all those moments are etched in my memory. From a 17 year old watching football for the first time ever to the strains of Nessun Dorma (1989)to the 30 year old knocking back beers at a party in a trendy London ad agency watching England/Argentina at 11 in the morning (2002) to the new mother breastfeeding her firstborn in front of the TV while England played Brazil (2006) I've been there, I've lived it. I remember the first time Three Lions was released (for Euro, 96 - not the World Cup, but near enough); a party where a friend was waving the single round excitedly (yes, we still bought singles in 1996) and saying: "This is the best football song EVER." And I remember the riot that nearly ensued in a bar in Spitalfields that year when England were playing Portugal. Just as it got to penalty shoot-out time, the manager tried to switch off the TV because they were about to have a 'poetry reading'. You can imagine the scene......

Oh yes, come the World Cup, I am an avid footie fan - even though to be honest I don't even know who's in the team this time (which reminds me of that brilliant Billy Bragg lyric: 'How can you lie there and think of England when you don't even know who's in the team?). I suppose it's a bit like only going to church on Christmas day, but ah, well, I've been guilty of that too in my time.......

So tomorrow I too will be popping the boys into England shirts and settling down to watch England vs USA. I doubt that any of our neighbours will join us - because, although all the kids seem to play soccer here, there the interest ends - but, if we do manage to win, I'm going to be dancing in the streets.


Dorset Dispatches said...

Oh me too! I love the big tournament atmosphere and everyone getting involved. Got to get the boys their shirts (although with any luck they'll be in bed when the game is played). I almost cried when I watched that 3 Lions Video. Have to get a grip, can't be in tears all month. Hasn't even started yet!

nmaha said...

This is my blog topic for today as well :-).....I'm the same, I love football during Euro and FIFA, the rest of the time I'm too busy dealing with life to really bother.......this month's going to be fun though

nappy valley girl said...

Well, that was a bit of a letdown wasn't it?

Still, at least we didn't lose....!

Calif Lorna said...

I prepared a full English breakfast for our American friends and blasted them all with Three Lions and mocked their team.

Then they mocked me back!

private boarding school said...

Let's hope there are more entertaining games to come:)