Friday, 13 September 2013

First week over....

Well, we survived the first week of new schools, new house and new everything.

Considering I was on my own for four days of it, with The Doctor away at a conference, I think it went pretty well. I managed to get to the parents' evening, thanks to my father who babysat. I managed to get them to school and back every day, without being late for anything or forgetting any games kit. We did all the homework. Littleboy 1 only lost one item of school uniform - and his teacher managed to find it again today.

On the downside, the weather has been completely foul and I'm hating the London traffic. Since we left the number of parents in "Chelsea tractors" seems to have proliferated and the driving become more aggressive. Of course these same cars were everywhere on Long Island, but at least there the roads are wide and the parking spaces large. On South London's narrow, speed-bumped roads, trying to dodge big shiny 4x4's filled with harried looking mothers is just not fun.

But at least the boys seem to have settled with remarkable ease. Littleboy 2 is quite the novelty in his new school as the only new pupil in Year 2. Everyone at the parents' evening had heard all about him, and he was even voted onto the "school council" by his classmates. (This involves going to see the headmistress once a week and solemnly reporting requests from his class. Apparently most of them are about whether the school can have a trampoline or a swimming pool).

Littleboy 1 pronounced his first day "awesome" and has been incredibly enthusiastic ever since. He's been put in the top group for football and is reassured to find that his classmates like Angry Birds and Star Wars just like the boys in America.

If only adults were as adaptable as children.....


MsCaroline said...

I've heard from more than one person that repatriation is at least as hard - if not harder - than adjusting to a whole new country, although the boys don't sound like that's applying to them at all! Hope the weather clears up soon for you - seems to me that I can handle just about anything with a little more aplomb when the sun's shining! xx

Iota said...

So interesting to hear you going through the same process that I did a year ago.

New boy to school council in less than a week is impressive!

Conuly said...

Your kid's classmates have good heads on their shoulders. Trampolines in school - it's an idea whose time has come.

geekymummy said...

wow, sounds like an exhausting move. Very best of luck being back in the UK, love the new blog look

Expat mum said...

I love the fact that you haven't a clue about the UK school system. My big boy is considering applying to a few UK colleges and I'm literally dreading it, because it's so different from when I did it. UCAS? Points? He-e-e-el-p?

Muddling Along said...

I'm glad it went ok - am beginning to think the owners of any chelsea tractor should have to prove they can reverse before they are allowed to drive one off... or maybe that is just around here??

Dorset Dispatches said...

I've been thinking of you and wondering how it has all been going. The LBs look to be settling in no problems. Hooray for the adaptability of children. Big hugs. x