Thursday 1 July 2010

My alternative Boden entry

I may be living the American dream but I haven't quite forgotten my Nappy Valley roots. Nothing sums up Nappy Valley more than Boden, and now, fellow south Londoner and blogging queen sans pareil, Dulwich Mum, has created a wonderful Alternative Boden Catalogue. Take a look at her creations here if you want a good giggle. In the meantime, here is my entry for the Alternative Boden calendar which she aims to create. Ladies and gentlemen....the Boden family.

Emma (Mummy) wears Yummy Mummy Top in 'Wallpaper' with white 'Liz Hurley' skirt and forced grin. Favourite thing: flirting with the builders and handing Harry over to the au pair.

Harry wears 'Little Prince' stripey top in blue and 'who is this woman?' grimace. Likes: Extra Mandarin lessons.

Oliver (Daddy Boden) wears Cuddly Cricket Jumper and handsome leer in 'Slimeball'. Favourite thing: feeling up the au pair.

Birgitta (au pair) wears 'I'm just a little girlie' Hoody in bubblegum pink and come-hither look. Favourite thing: Shagging.


dulwichmum said...

OHMYGOD! I spat out my Chablis!

Anonymous said...

i love this game, a whole family - fab!

Dorset Dispatches said...

I'm loving these posts. Am going to find some time to do one myself. Just brilliant. Especially the au pair!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous. I shall see Boden in a completely different light from now on!

Home Office Mum said...

fantastic. I love your contributions. Now will head over to the original to see it.

London City Mum said...

Priceless - just choked on my NZ sav blanc (chablis soooo south of the river dah-ling).

OH thinks we are bonkers. He is right. Question is: why has it taken him so long to notice?


Julie Sardinetin said...

I am absolutely loving these... excellent!

Ffi said...

This is fantastic - love the whole family thing

vegemitevix said...

Excellent post. I think Daddy Boden has that smug 'I've got a lovely Au pair' grin!

Mom/Mum said...

LOVE this! Made me LOL. How are you? I have so many of your posts to catch up on. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder n all's good to be delving back into blogosphere though.

Almost American said...

Oh my! I'm glad I'd already finished my coffee when I read this!

Sarah, Maison Cupcake said...

Hilarious, we're far too common for Boden in Walthamstow Village so this is all new to me.

Michelloui said...

This is HILARIOUS! I havent seen any of these yet. Will watch for more. At last... Boden not taken seriously.

DD's Diary said...

Loving that slimeball leer. I'm sure I've seen him at the school gates ....

Very Bored in Catalunya said...

Ha brilliant. I am going to have to get myself one of these catalogues.

Metropolitan Mum said...

HAHAHAHA. Excellent!

1950s Housewife said...

Love these comments!
That's a photo of me by the way, the legs that daddy is caressing.
When I am not shoving donuts in my head I am officially a leg model.

nmaha said...

Hilarious, are u people really like this. I would kill for that 'mummy' figure, no really.

nappy valley girl said...

Thanks everyone. Loving your comments, too.

Rachel said...

brilliant, loving the extra mandarin lessons & leg-caressing - nearly spat my coffee all over the keyboard...

Well That's a Good Scottish Name... said...

This is hilarious! I had not heard of Boden until we moved here to the UK. I think it is almost like the American J.Crew of sorts...